
Anjuman-e-Burhani (London)

Anjuman-e-Burhani (London)

About Us


53rd al-Dai al-Mutlaq and Leader of the Dawoodi Bohra Community

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin is the 53rd al-Dai al-Mutlaq and present leader of the worldwide Dawoodi Bohra community. He has dedicated his life to the service of the community and the betterment of society at large, with a special emphasis on education, environmental responsibility, and socio-economic development.

Syedna Saifuddin guides his followers across the globe drawing them closer to their faith, culture and heritage. He teaches them the Islamic values of peace and patriotism while emphasising the need for every member of the Bohra community to be productive citizens who make a positive contribution to the social fabric of their respective countries.

Who We Are

In London's rich tapestry, Dawoodi Bohras are not just threads but vibrant threads woven into the city's fabric. Driven by a dedication to hard work and education, their journeys lead to diverse successes across fields like medicine, technology, education, and commerce. Their entrepreneurial spirit breathes life into businesses, creating jobs and fuelling the city's engine. But their contribution extends beyond the marketplace. Empowered by an unwavering belief in education for all, their community boasts skilled professionals who enrich every corner of London's 32 boroughs. Doctors heal, teachers inspire, and academics delve into knowledge, each adding their unique melody to the city's symphony. This dedication to progress and harmony has resonated deeply for over seven decades. Visits from esteemed leaders Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin and Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin cemented the Bohras' place as valued members, not just residents, but active participants in building bridges and lasting friendships. So, when you witness a flourishing business, a child learning, or a doctor healing, know that a Dawoodi Bohra might be weaving their vibrant verse into the narrative of London's success. Come, discover their spirit, add your voice to the chorus, and enrich this diverse metropolis's tapestry.

Our Masjid

In London's vibrant tapestry, the Dawoodi Bohra community has stitched a remarkable thread - the Husaini Masjid. Its genesis tracks back to the vision of the 52nd Da'i al-Mutlaq, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, who nurtured the community's aspirations for a permanent spiritual haven. In 1996, his unwavering support and encouragement brought forth this iconic structure, Europe's first and, at the time, the Western Hemisphere's most significant Dawoodi Bohra place of worship. More than just a mosque, Husaini Masjid embodies the community's resilience and faith. Within its walls, echoes of prayers intertwine with the aroma of shared meals in the community kitchen. Nestled amongst residences and the tranquil Mohammedi Park, it embraces a spirit of togetherness and harmony, a legacy nurtured by Syedna Burhanuddin's tireless dedication to peace and goodwill. Today, Husaini Masjid extends its welcoming embrace to all. Step into a haven of serenity, experience the warmth of the Bohra spirit, and discover a story interwoven with faith, family, and a future as vibrant as the community. Let your journey enrich the tapestry of London, just as Syedna Burhanuddin envisioned, brick by spiritual brick.

masjid photo
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