
Anjuman-e-Burhani (London)

Anjuman-e-Burhani (London)

Umoor Talimiyah

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About Us

Al-Madrasah Al-Burhaniyah (London) was first set up in London in 1974. The Primary goal is to teach the children of the Dawoodi Bohra followers the Religion of Islam and the Fatimi Shia Traditions. At present the curriculum of the Madrasah is the teaching of Al Quran, the daily prayers and the Shariah of Islam.

The traditional language of the Dawoodi Bohras is Lisan’ud Dawat. This language is taught at the Madrasah to the children as well as adults.

The committee members under the supervision of the Amil Saheb is responsible for looking after the day-to-day operations of the Madrasah and ensures the best possible standard of education is available to all its pupils, by working in partnership with the Head Mo’allim and the staff.

Al-Madrasah Al-Burhaniyah (London) operates as an integral part of Anjuman-e-Burhani (London), which is a registered charity in the UK (Reg No. 1078595) with a registered office at Mohammedi Park, Rowdell Road, Northolt, Middlesex UB5 6AG.

Madrasah Calendar

Committee Members

The Committee exists to help Al-Madrasah Al-Burhaniyah (London) deliver the best possible standard of education to all pupils, by working in partnership with the Headteacher and the staff.

The committee body is made up of volunteers drawn from parents, the community and school staff and helps to ensure that Al Madrasah Al Burhaniya London is accountable to parents. The committee has a responsibility for strategic planning, to monitor how the madrasah is doing and to help identify any improvements where these are required.

In practise, we meet our responsibilities by:

Holding meetings every term, delegating specific work to sub-committees and regular visits to the madrasa.
Contributing to and monitoring the implementation of the Al-Madrasah Al-Burhaniyah (London) Development Plan.
Assisting the Headteacher with the school’s financial management, to help ensure expenditure delivers the outcomes set out in the Al-Madrasah Al-Burhaniyah (London) Development Plan.
Utilising individual skills to the madrasa advantage and providing all teachers with training so they can carry out their role more effectively.

PresidentAl Amil Shahzada Ammar Bhaisaheb Jamaluddin Saheb (DM)
Vice PresidentAl Anwar Bhaisaheb Badruddin
Head MoallimSheikh Murtaza Bhai Jamali
SecretarySheikh Murtaza Bhai Amin
Joint SecretaryMulla Murtuza Daginawala
TreasurerHuzaifa Bhaisaheb Zainuddin
MembersMulla Taher Jiwanji, Mulla Aliashger Kerai

Behaviour Policy

Last updated: 2 Jumada al-Ula 1444H (25 November 2022)

To continue to maintain a healthy and enjoyable environment for all students during their time at Madrasah, a new behaviour policy has been introduced with immediate effect. This carefully considered decision has been taken after the occurrence of certain recurring incidents and as such, need to be addressed. This policy has been introduced to highlight that certain behaviour is not acceptable or permissible.

Definition of Unacceptable Behaviour

For the purpose of this policy, Madrasah defines ‘unacceptable behaviour’ as any behaviour which may cause harm to oneself or others, damage the reputation of the school within the wider community and behaviour which may disrupt the education of the perpetrator and/or other students. Such behaviours include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Disruption in lessons – voice raising, unnecessary comments, note passing, speaking out of turn, interrupting and eating in class.
  • Discrimination – not giving equal respect to an individual on the basis of disability, gender and age.
  • Bullying – a type of harassment which involves criticism, personal abuse or persistent actions that humiliate, intimidate, frighten or demean any student or group of students.
  • Disrespectful behaviour towards teachers and staff, choosing to not answer the teacher, answering back and refusing to comply with reasonable requests.
  • Swearing or threatening language.
  • Fighting or aggressive behaviour.
  • Rudeness
  • Not attending namaz or lunch without an acceptable reason and without informing an appropriate member of staff first.
  • Inappropriate use of restricted items such as mobile phones or tablets.

Failure in adhering to any of the above will result in a warning. If a student receives 3 warnings in one day this will result in a detention. Detentions will be held after Madrasah for 15 minutes. The detention policy will be for STD 5 to STD 10 only.

Should the student(s) inappropriate behaviour continue, parents will be notified by Madrasah and will be asked to personally come to Madrasah to see the Head Moallim. Students whose parents have been asked to see Head Moallim will not be allowed to attend class until the parents have met with Head Moallim.

Items With Restricted Use During Madrasah Timings

Mobile phones may only be used to make appropriate calls or texts before and after the end of Madrasah when the student is travelling to or from Madrasah.

Mobile phones/Tablets and other Gaming Devices must be switched off and remain invisible and inaudible at all other times during the day, including and especially during break or lunch time. As such, if these devices are seen or heard then they will be confiscated by a member of staff. These can be collected by the student’s parent(s) or guardian at the end of the day.

Mobile phones must never be used for videoing, photography or voice recording at any time.

These disciplinary steps are to further improve and maintain the safe environment of Madrasah and to uphold the values of Ilm-e-Aale Mohammed. We request the full support of parents in this matter.

In all matters relating to behaviour and discipline, the Head Moallim’s decision will be final and binding.


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